To get some helpful information about what is happening with a Genie prompt:
- Find the BB icon near your computer's clock- you might have to click the little up arrow to the left to show your hidden icons. It will be a BB which might be green, yellow, or red.
- Right click on the BB icon and choose Configuration from the menu.
- Click the Prompts tab.
- Click to fill in the checkbox next to the prompt you want to trace.
- A new window will open named Prompt Trace- it will be mostly blank at first.
- Try to get the prompt you are tracing to fire- enter the appropriate GDS commands, for example. The prompt trace window will have information about what is happening as you do.
- Go back to the Prompt Trace window.
- Click the Send to Support button in the lower right corner.
- Fill in your contact information in the top section if it isn't already there.
- In the Description box, please enter a brief summary of the issue, as well as putting it attention to the name of the BookingBuilder staffer you want it to go to (if anyone), as well as the case number.
- Click Send.
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