We need to get the GDS formats exactly, so please follow these steps:
Turn On GDS Logging
- Find the BB icon near your computer's clock- you might have to click the little up arrow to the left to show your hidden icons. It will be a dot with BB in it, which might be green, yellow, or red.
- Right click on the BB icon and choose Configuration from the menu.
- In the Logging section near the top, fill in the GDS Transaction box.
- Create a PNR with no air segments, that contains the information you want BookingBuilder to read.
- Make the GDS entries to display the information.
- Go back to the Configuration screen, and un-check the GDS Transaction box, then click on View/Send Logs to Support.
- Click the Date header twice to sort everything with the newest on top.
- Click the checkbox next to the item named GDSTransactionLog...
- Click the Send button.
- Fill in your contact information in the top section if it isn't already there.
- In the Description box, please enter a brief description of the fields we are trying to read, as well as putting it attention to the name of the BookingBuilder staffer you want it to go to (if anyone), like 'Attn {{ticket.assignee.first_name}}'.
- Click Send.
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